
"China-Malaysia Mining Industry Equipment and Industry Development Technology Exchange Forum" was held in Huzhou

"China-malaysia Mining Industry Equipment and Industrial Development Technology Exchange Forum" sponsored by China Sandstone Association, National Association of Mining Machinery Industry and Malaysia Mining Association, and undertaken by Huzhou New Kaiyuan Gravel Co., LTD., Zhejiang Zhekuang Heavy Industry Co., LTD., was held in Huzhou New Kaiyuan Mingdu Hotel. The forum was presided over by Han Jixian, Vice President and Secretary general of China Sandstone Association. Yang Xianli, Vice chairman of the National Committee for Standardization of Mining Machinery, Hu Youyi, President of China Sandstone Association, and Datuk Zhuang Fushun, head of the Malaysian delegation, delivered special reports respectively. Shi Huanhuan, manager of Administration and personnel Department of Zhejiang Zhekuang Heavy Industry Co., LTD., delivered industrial equipment technical reports on behalf of Zhekuang Heavy Industry.

Han Jixian, Vice President and Secretary General of China Sandstone Association, presided over the event
Yang Xianli, deputy Director of the National Committee of Mining Machinery Standardization, made a special report

Hu Youyi, President of China Sandstone Association, made a special report

The head of the Malaysian delegation Datuk Chong Hock Soon gave a special report

The manager of the company's administration and human resource Department, Shi Huanhuan, reports industrial equipment technology on behalf of Zhekuang Heavy Industry

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